Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Holiday Poem: 2007
By Kirk Vichengrad

This year, instead of a Christmas poem and singing a holiday song,
I thought to offer a year in review – lamenting the weak and celebrating the strong.

No doubt 2007 was filled with moments of despair and sorrow,
But through it all was the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

In the worlds of politics, news, entertainment, and sports,
There were triumphs, failures, and lots of action in the courts.

This was the year that cemented the iGeneration as a force,
A wild frenzy to own the iPod, iMac, and iPhone, of course.

Still, it was a good old-fashioned book that captured the world’s attention,
As millions devoured the final chapter of Harry Potter’s graduation.

In 2007, Presidential candidates began their campaigns with zest,
Declaring their positions in the ultimate political quest.

A diverse field for sure – Guiliani, Obama, and my gal Hillary,
But oy, a Southern Baptist and a Mormon named Mitt Romney?

The environment’s champion, Al Gore, won the Nobel Peace Prize,
Teaching us all theTruth and how to ignore all the lies.

A dubious war continued to unfold as tensions still boil,
Bring home our troops, back on American soil!

Though we saw repercussions for those who spoke words of hate,
Sadly there are so many still who deny others an equal state.

Whether racial discrimination, gender inequality, or no marriage for gays,
The struggle continued but we strive for better days.

The front page was often so difficult to read,
Genocide in Darfur, chaos in Pakistan, a world in need.

Frightening Headlines….Challenging Times:

Scandalous astronauts,
Shopping mall gunshots.
Burst housing market,
Terrorism target.
TB scare in flight,
Michael Vick’s dogfight
Anna Nicole laid to rest,
Paparazzi the ultimate pest.
Chinese toy recall,
Athletes steroid fall.
Wildfires scorched,
Homes torched.
Collapsed bridge wreck,
Massacre at Virginia Tech.

Yes indeed, the front page was difficult to read,
But from its pain was a message that we all must heed.

“How can I help?” has become the call of the time,
Changing the world from its past to its potential prime.

But thank G-d we have Hollywood to keep things in focus,
Mug shots, prison, rehab, and lots of hocus pocus.

Paris served her time and emerged more shallow than ever,
Buddy Nicole got pregnant and a simple life was done forever.

Lindsay and her films crashed and burned,
Arrests and rehab later, let’s hope a new leaf is turned.

But the year belonged to the popwreck princess Britney Spears,
Whose yearlong meltdown begat a shaved head, court dates, and lots of tears.

Sad actually to witness what Celebrity has become,
I just wonder through it all, where is her Dad and Mom?

Then sister Jamie Lynn got pregnant at sixteen,
Officially exercising her white trash gene.

Oprah continued to utilize her golden touch,
School scandals, political stumping, producing, oy too much!

In music, losing American Idol put Daughtry on top,
While winner Jordin Sparks’ album looks like a flop.

The song of the year was Rihanna’s Umbrella,
While Amy Winehouse was a mess, I’ll tell ya.

Hannah Montana made all the kids go nuts,
And Ellen sobbed for adopted mutts!

The Beckhams moved to LA, taking the town by storm,
With best buds The Cruises, their life is far from norm.

On TV, The View looked a little less Rosie,
As O’Donnell left and the show became cozy.

The Price was right for Drew and Lost was back on track,
30 Rock was solid and The Sopranos cut to black.

Musical theatre fans loved Sweeney Todd and Hairspray,
And JK Rowling revealed that Dumbledore is gay!

Threequels ruled, with Pirates, Spiderman, Clooney and Pitt,
Shrek, Die Hard, and Jason Bourne all were a hit.

So many movies, so much to see,
Thank G-d I have a friend at Variety!

Loved Kite Runner, Dan in Real Life, and Into the Wild,
Best was Juno, knocked up with child.

Happily, my Nicole Kidman had 3 movies this year,
Sadly though, each received many a jeer.

Scorsese won his Oscar, finally, at long last,
Though to Eddie Murphy, the Academy said, Hey, not so fast!

The Hollywood story of the year,however, are the striking writers,
Some say they are unfair spoilers, others say courageous fighters.

Whatever your stance, one thing is clear,
Your favorite shows may not be on next year.

Crippling the town is having dire consequences,
May they resolve it all soon and start to mend broken fences.

As we reflect on our own lives and look ahead,
There were changes, moves, and some were even wed!

Celebrate your achievements and learn from the rest,
Tackle life boldly and strive for the best.

For me, there are struggles but I still aim for my star,
And hey, in 2007, I got a brand new car!

Whether a new boat, car, or even a diamond ring,
Sure, stuff is nice, but it’s what they mean that’s the thing.

Working hard, moving forward, a symbol of progress,
But true wealth comes in something much deeper I confess.

It is in the bonds that we nurture, family and friends,
These ties are our lifelines, where it all begins and ends.

And so as we look back - laugh, cry, and ponder yesterday,
Remember those special moments you cherished along the way.

For here we are, on the cusp on a new day, may it be filled with compassion, love, and light….

And with that I wish you all a Happy Holiday and to all a Good night.